The TBA Membership Blog

The latest goings on from the Theatre Services Committee, the membership department and the field!

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Notes from Individual Servies Committee Meeting: Sept 2009

Theatre Bay Area's Individual Services Committee recently met. Below are notes from the meeting. Please contact with any comments, questions or suggestions.
September 14, 2009
1. Theatre Bay Area news and other TBA updates
a. News Summery to be distributed pre-meeting in the future.
b. Membership report: numbers are down. Members brainstorm marketing and outreach ideas.
c. Welcome Wagon
2. Lemonade Fundraiser
a. Plan for February 2010
b. Have a week of curtain speeches in February
c. Potential committee members:
i. J.P.
ii. Maggie
iii. Bonnie

3. EXPO/Annual Conference
a. Location still being worked out
b. Potential Theme: Art as Ambassador
c. 3 breakout sessions for Individuals. Topic ideas:
i. Panel of TITAN winners to speak about the importance of planning, having a mentor, etc.
ii. Self Producing (finding venues, dealing with contracts)
iii. Interview skills for technicians/designers (or do this via an EXPO booth)
iv. Negotiating a job/contract, prioritizing amongst free lance jobs, how to bid fees
v. Panel of commercial theatre reps on nat’l level
vi. Other media: voiceover, TV/film, radio
vii. Building relationship between theatre companies and critics
viii. (Offer breakout sessions that cater to different career levels)

4. TBA Awards
Still hoping to develop!

Confirm next meeting
November 16 at new office: 1663 Market St, Suite 525

Theatre Services Committee Notes September 2009

Theatre Bay Area's Theatre Services Committee recently had their September meeting. Notes of the meeting are below. Please contact with any questions or suggestions.

TSC Meeting Notes
September 16, 2009

TSC Members Present: Daren Carollo, Diablo Theatre Company; Akilah Crossdale, The Jewish Theatre; Rachel Fink, Berkeley Rep; Jeanette Harrison, alterTHEATER; Melissa Hillman, Impact Theatre; Clark Lewis, Roustabout Theater; Jessica Love, CounterPULSE; Lisa Mallette, City Lights Theatre Company; Leslie Martinson, TheatreWORKS; Nina Meehan, Active Arts Theatre; Emily Morrison, California Shakespeare Theatre; Raelle Myrick-Hodges, BRAVA!; Karen Altre Piemme, San Jose Repertory; Jonathan Spector, Playwrights Foundation; Lisa Tromovich, Livermore Shakespeare Festival; Marissa Wolf, Crowded Fire.

Theatre Bay Area Staff Present: Dale Albright, Kendra Oberhauser, Brad Erickson

I. 10:07am. Welcome and Theatre Bay Area News & Updates.
· Dale hands out agenda, with the news updates written on the back. News & updates are now communicated in this manner in order to save time in TSC meetings.
· Theatre Bay Area has moved to 1663 Mission St., Suite 525, San Francisco, 94103.

II. 10:13am. Talent Pool Brainstorm.
· What is the state of the talent pool in the Bay Area? Members share their experiences.

III. 10:52am. Mentorship.
· There is no funding for this program at this moment, but many members stress the importance of it, and the willingness to mentor with or without compensation.

IV. 10:58am. Annual Conference.
· There are location challenges for the Conference. More information to come.
· Members discuss possible themes and speaker ideas.

V. 11:24am. Individual membership.
· Individual membership is down.
· Members discuss marketing and outreach strategies

VI. 11:35am. Phone tree.
· TSC Members each have a number of companies on a list to call or email in order to be a liaison between them and Theatre Bay Area/TSC.

VII. 11:46am. New company fee structure.
· Discussed pros and cons of eliminating gold membership option (all company members have access to ticketing services).

VIII. 11:50am. Meeting about economy, October 5.
· On October 5, from 2-6pm at Berkeley Rep, there will be a convening about looking forward in these economic times. Email if you wish to RSVP.

IX. Good and Welfare.

Next meeting: at New TBA offices, 1663 Mission St., Suite 525.